Programs & Curriculums

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Our Learning Center Curriculum

Our program focuses on the development of the whole child (physical, social/emotional, cognitive and language). Including each child’s culture and individual learning styles. Into our learning center curriculum we integrate key areas of content. This includes literacy, mathematics, science and social studies. Also included is technology, creative expression, health and safety, and the arts. We value play and implement the Creative Curriculum for Preschool Program. These curriculum models are research and theory based. They encourage providing “hands-on” and open-ended learning activities. They are designed to meet the individual interests, developmental needs and emerging skills of children. On a daily basis, the teachers are expected to seek out children’s ideas. Furthermore,  to discern how they understand things by observing, talking with, and listening to them. The Illinois Early Learning Standards are also used. They are used as a guide for developing and meeting curricular goals that are developmentally appropriate and meaningful for our learning center curriculum.

As part of our learning center curriculum, children will have opportunities to affect what happens in the classroom. This is done by participating in the decision-making process about issues concerning classroom behavior, plans and activities. Children are also provided planned time to interact with other children of various ages.

Staff  Curriculum Training At Picket Fence


All staff is introduced to one of these curriculum models (either preschool or infant/toddler) during the orientation process. They are formally trained within the first 90 days of employment.

Teachers also create opportunities for children to engage in group projects. These group projects can be revisited over periods of days, weeks, and months.

Staff rotates materials and reorganizes the environment when needed. This helps children to explore new concepts and topics. This helps sustain their attention and extend learning.

Interested in a tour?

Call 708-452-4544 for Elmwood Park,
708-401-4544 for River Grove or click below!